Positive Mental Health
Living a healthy life has often meant paying attention – only – to the many ingredients that make up positive physical health. However, we now know that health is composed of both physical and mental health and that the body and the mind interact, with one affecting the other – either positively or negatively.
In our culture, the emphasis on physical health means that most people can easily list what you need to do to stay healthy – eat sensibly, exercise regularly, visit your doctor yearly for check-ups and testing, drink alcohol in moderation, don’t smoke, and get a good night’s sleep.
Because mental health is less talked about, when we think about it, if we think about it at all, we may conclude that good mental health is something we have – or not – and there’s not much we can do about it.
Questions To Ask Yourself
Maintaining positive mental health means paying attention to your intellectual, emotional, and spiritual health – as well as your physical health. Some things to think about:
- Do you have something intellectually stimulating to do every day? The brain enjoys a work-out, just like the body.
- Are you able to recognize the ups and downs in your emotional life and take positive action to restore your balance? This can mean talking out angry feelings instead of exploding, or recognizing sadness and not feeling ashamed of your tears.
- Are your relationships, mostly, positive? No one can insulate themselves completely from difficult relationships but are you able to recognize when you are being treated unfairly or unkindly and stand up for yourself?
- Do you have loved ones around you who you support, and who support you? Do you have a friend – or several friends – who you can confide in?
- Does your work (or volunteer activities) have meaning for you? Do you feel you are making a contribution? Nothing is ever perfect but are you able to take action in your workplace to address bad treatment or dynamics that are troublesome?
- Do you have a role in your community? Do you feel a part of the neighbourhood you live in? Are you a part of other types of “communities” such as those based on interests, identity or spirituality.
- Do you know your history and culture? Are you proud of your roots? If, at any time, you have been made to feel ashamed of who you are, have you been able to recognize these feelings and take action to end the cruelty – which may mean speaking out against bigotry or simply reminding yourself that your people have a proud history and have nothing to be ashamed of.
- Do you make time for fun and a good laugh? Do you recognize that playing can be as valuable as working? Can you describe times in your life that were joyous?
- Do you have activities in your life that feed your soul. Spiritual fulfillment may come from belonging to an organized religion. Some people make other choices; time spent in nature, listening to music or enjoying the arts.
- When things go wrong, as they do in anyone’s life, do you reach out for support. Do you know when an event or circumstance has become too heavy a burden for anyone to carry alone – and you need help? Can you ask for help when you need it?
Learn More
Taking care of your mind: This it the mentally fit section of the Canadian Mental Health Association website. It defines mental health, describes the benefits of staying mentally healthy and offers practical tips for mental fitness. Available at: http://www.cmha.ca/bins/content_page.asp?cid=2-267&lang=1
Veterans Affairs offers tips for good mental health. Available at: http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/clients/sub.cfm?source=health/depression/tips
Tips for Aboriginal youth on maintaining mental health and what to do when things go wrong: The Aboriginal Youth Network Health Centre, available at: http://www.ayn.ca/health/mentalhealth.aspx
For examples of community mental health promotion projects, see: http://www.cmha.ca/mh_toolkit/intro/intro_1.htm
Mental health literacy is defined as “knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders which aid their recognition, management or prevention.” For research and writing on mental health literacy, see: http://www.camimh.ca/mental_health_literacy.html